How To Do Bas Rutten's Escape From A Triangle Choke
Mixed martial arts legend Bas Rutten gives a lesson in mixed martial arts. Learn how to escape from a triangle choke and
position yourself into an offensive side mount.
- Step 1:
- Keep Arm Straight
- You're caught in the choke. Your arm is on his chest. Make sure he cannot push your arm to the side.
If he grabs your arm, just use your other hand and pull his hand off. Whatever you do, don't let him push your arm over. Instead,
keep your arm straight - aiming to grab his head.
- Step 2:
- Reach For The Head
- Now I want to grab his neck. So step two, I'm going to push myself up onto my feet and grab the top
of his head with both hands.
- Step 3:
- Slide Back
- With his head in your hands, slide back. He needs to open his guard. If he doesn't he's going to receive
a major neck crank.
- Step 4:
- Move To The Side
- Once you've slid down, move to the side, by bypassing his leg, and go to a side mount.