This Shaolin Qi Gong is part of the original 'sinew-tendon change classic' which the Boddhidarma
brough to the Shaolin temple in the 6th century CE
Lohan 13 Form Qi Gong
Moving - Arhat Qi Gong - Pierce the clouds
This is the 11th exercise in Yijin-jing qigong's Post-heaven (Ren-men) set, part of the "18 Moving Arhat Exercises" (Luohan-gong).Lift
the entire body upwards, including the arm, side and opposite knee. Flex the instep and then repeatedly flex and relax it
to send qi to the toes.
Moving Arhat Qi Gong - Topple The Mountains
The qi goes out to the index and middle fingers in this exercise, however, it is movement of the upper arm that creates
the fajin. By pushing slightly backward with the upper arms at the end of the motion, you cause the palm to move slightly
forward at the end and create jindao. This is a relatively advanced, martially-oriented exercise...please be careful! This
exercise helps teach a kind of "inch jin," whereby one meridian pulls against another.
Arhat Qi Gong - Rotating Wheel
The "for health" version of this exercise emphasizes performing the movement quickly and in a very relaxed manner. Be
sure to keep the shoulders relaxed. The martial version of the exercise is performed more slowly with the arms and fingers
stretching out as much as possible in each direction as if ropes are pulling on the fingers. Do not use tension of the shoulders
to try to push the hands farther out.
Arhat Lohan Qi Gong - Crossing The Bridge
For the "health" version, relax the arms slightly on the inhale and sink the qi to the dantian. On the exhale, extend
the arms outward and send the dantian qi out to the fingers. For the martial version, do not let the arms come back and concentrate
on one hand at a time, sending the qi to one hand on one exhale and the other on the next exhale. Note you should do both
the "health" and "martial" version even if martial arts is your only goal
Moving Arhat Qi Gong - Shangxiang
This is the fourth exercise in the "Moving Arhat" section of Yijin-jing's Post-heaven (Ren-men) Qigong. Perform
in a relaxed manner. Make sure the legs "stamp" and don't "jump." The arms and legs go down without coming down in between
to train jin. Sink the qi to the dantian as you perform each stamp and let it flow all the way to the feet if possible
Moving Arhat Qi Gong - Bend and Turn
This is a relatively advanced exercise with combat applications, the idea being to do as many fajin
with as many different parts of the upper body as possible while remaining quick and smooth. The moves he demonstrates here
are: hit with the shoulder, ram with the upper arm, point of the elbow, turning of the upper arm, rub, pull, turn, elbow strike
again, sink the hand, sink the elbow, and up with the palm.
The history of the creation of this book goes back to Master Fan Xu Dong (life time: 1841
– 1925, according to another data - 1936). At the turn the 19-th and 20-th century Fan Xu Dong several times visited
Shaolin Temple where he studied heritage of the monastery. That’s what Master Jon Funk writes about it: “Fan made
several trips to the Shaolin temple and spent time there researching with the monks. From these trips to the Shaolin temple,
as well as his other work with the Seven Star Praying Mantis system, he wrote five volumes titled "The Shaolin Authentic".
These handwritten manuals contained concepts on fighting skills, medical information and historical aspects of kung fu. Contained
in one of these five volumes is the eighteen exercises of the LUOHAN GONG complete with replicas of the original drawings
of the Shaolin monks demonstrating the postures of each exercise.” These five books were later hand copied in Hong Kong
by shifu Huang Han Xun. The original illustrations and calligraphy on LUOHAN GONG by shifu Fan Xu Dong was reproduced in shifu
Huang's book in which he added photographs to depict the movements. Click the picture (top left) to download.
Jin Jing Zhong. DIAN XUE SHU. Skill of Acting on Acupoints.
DIAN XUE SHU that is literally means "The Art of Touching Acupoints" is more known in the West as DIM MAK ("Blows at
arteries" in Cantonese dialect) or "Death Touch". It should be noted that the last two names do not fully reflect the essence
of this method. DIAN XUE SHU is a profound teaching which is closely connected to Chinese traditional medicine. Besides the
martial aspect, it includes a wide range of methods of reanimation and medication. You will be able to read about it in detail
in the books which are offered for your attention. Besides theoretical fundamentals, the books give detailed description of
the localization of basic acupoints, methods of acting on them with the aims of combat, reanimation and medication, effects
of acting on a particular point, methods of exercising fingers and palms, blow techniques and many other things. Click picture
(top right) to download.