Also knwon as Yi Quan
Dachenquan, or Yi Quan is the newest of the internal martial arts; it was developed in the 1940s by Wang Xiang Zhai.
This styel incorporates Xing Yi mechanisms of force, Qi Gong breathing and energy cultivation techniques, the Tai Chi 4 skills
of attacking, sticking, joining and following, as well as the agile footwork of Bagua Zhang. The main emphasis of this style
is on generating whole-body power for every technique. The training in this style can be divided into the following basic
- Ji Ji Zhuang - Standing Posture / Stance Training
- Jhi Li - Strength testing
- Mocabu - Friction Steps
- Fali - Release of power
- Shi Sheng - Trial of Breath / Voice
- Tui Shou - Push HAnds
- Ji JiFa - Combat Practice