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Shaolin e-book

JIN JING ZHONG Training methods of 72 Shaolin Arts
The book "Training Methods of 72 Arts of Shaolin" by Jin Jing Zhong is devoted to the most enigmatic and little-known aspect of training of Shaolin monks. The book was written in 1934 with blessing and direct participation of the Head of the Shaolin Monastery Reverend Miao Xing nicknamed "The Golden Arhat", one of the best Shaolin fighters of all times. Training methods described in the book allow to develop supernatural abilities, far beyond abilities of an ordinary man. In the course of many centuries the methods were the base and core of Shaolin combat training, the most secret part carefully hidden from strangers. However, after a huge fire in 1928 that burnt down Shaolin and a greater part of its records the situation changed. An acute problem of preserving the Shaolin heritage for future generations arose. Most probably, it was the principle reason which made Miao Xing reveal one of the main secrets of Shaolin to the public. The book presents full description of exercises and requirements to their execution, as well as the fundamentals of training theory of 72 Shaolin Arts. Click picture (top left) to download.

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